All Events

In line with its journey and the projects and initiatives that have...
Under the patronage and support of H.R.H. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal bin Abdul...
Based on Al-Aghar belief in the importance and role of innovation in...
Al-Aghar Group has, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and Planning,...
As a starting point for the project “Youth Think Tank” in its...
Al-Aghar Group in collaboration with MTE Studios and LAS (League of Arab...
Under the patronage of H.R.H Prince Khalid Al Faisal Bin Abdulaziz, The...
Al-Aghar Group sponsored a display titled: “Journey To The Past To Build...
Under the patronage of His Highness Prince Faisal Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammad...
Workshop of Future Orientation for Public Education in the Kingdom of Saudi...